Body, Mind, and Soul

Support healing with Information and Bioenergy

Medical science also acknowledges that in most cases the cause of our physical symptoms are rooted in our emotional disturbances, stress and anxiety.

Matrix Drops has created a new category in the health industry by converting advances in science into effective quantum physical technology and products available to people, animals, and plants in their everyday lives. Living healthier through extraordinary science.

Matrix Drops Company’s mission is to solve the biggest challenges (symptoms, auto-immune diseases, diseases, virus, fungi, heavy metal accumulation in the body, vaccination after effects, vitamin-mineral-trace element deficiency and absence, mental and physical traumas) in health with science, to help people live healthier. Working directly with the world’s leading scientists and clinicians, Matrix Drops translates advances in science into effective quantum physical technology and products.

Modern science observes energies and vibrations that can be found in the world and in humans. There's something above all which created everything else, such as vibrations, energies, and minerals in this world. That is information.

Matrix Drops Computer can reveal information disturbances in your energetic and mental field, it can show potential emotional issues and relationship matters or reflect your negative thought patterns which can evoke unwanted problems.

With the Matrix Drops Computer ...

The Matrix Drops ...

Matrix Drops Quintessences contain water programmed with pure, elemental information. Information is teleported into the water using a quantum physical device where, through a special procedure, they get stored in stable form for decades. As little as 15 drops of carefully selected Matrix Drops can trigger significant aura increase which is a clear sign of extraordinary positive effects on the human organism.

From the water, the human organism is capable of directly accepting the programmed information. The perfect information patterns repair information fields that are out of tune in the body. This process is similar to a computer software upgrade.

The Matrix Drops may help

- improve quality of life considerably

- assist to remove emotional blocks, and negative thoughts

- neutralize disturbances triggered by the presence of heavy metals, vaccinations

- unleash talent and creativity and invite joy back in life

- deliver an energy boost

- clear the mind and sharpen the focus

- get rid of stress, anxiety and sense of guilt

- enhance intuition

- harmonize emotions and relationships

- help to prevent physical manifestations of psychosomatic disorders

The selection of the appropriate Matrix Drops out of the available 1500 can be achieved with the use of the Matrix Drops Computer, developed specifically for this purpose, or with a bio-tensor.

The answer is delivered by a special product, which contains pure, clean, elemental information. This quantum physical product, the Matrix Drops, intends to serve the best interests of the individual and humanity as opposed to those of the pharmaceutical industry. The Matrix Drops Computer is capable of choosing from the 1500 different types of Matrix Drops that would best serve the examined individual and affect behavioral patterns in a positive manner.

All this is based on the notion of quantum physics and directed information matrixes. Since liquids are an excellent storage medium for the elemental and vectored matrixes, it is used as the carrier of the information. Once the matrix enters the body and encounters distorted information, it will restore those that are out of tune to the perfect pitch. We can leave negative traits behind while enhancing the desired positive ones.

Today science claims we are on the brink of an evolutionary leap. However, it is not expected to take place in the physical dimension or level. The only area a man can develop further is at the mental level: in the soul and spirit. The most valuable and possibly the most powerful treasure is information. We live in a society of information. At any moment in all aspects of our lives, we are being bombarded with an incomprehensible amount of important, or considered to be such, information. But how large part of the information content is it that serves our best interest, health, and happiness?! How do we filter out that truly matters?

It includes information and its combination of the 108 mineral elements found in our world and the human body.

The Matrix Drops contains clean and purified water without any other tangible materials or diluted materials. The only other ingredient is high-level information which, similar to the computer software, is stored in the water carrier. The well-chosen Matrix Drops product restores balance in the distorted parts of the body, mind, and soul. It is similar to updating a computer program or initiating an anti-virus program.

The perfect elemental information may indicate the perfect behavior. The Matrix Drops solution raises awareness, provides light, illuminates, and brings potential delusions to the surface. As a result of recognition and discernment by the individual, these negative effects lose their strength and their effect on the examined person. Information is stored in the water as a hologram. Using a method not dissimilar from that of Luc Montagnier, a Nobel prize winner who teleported information of DNA between containers through air, in the Matrix Drops solution information is teleported to clean water with a special quantum physical crystal equipment. This is done without the aid of any electrical device to eliminate the significant degradation in efficiency and effectiveness.

Why is water the carrier of Matrix Drops? Since the body is composed of 60-70% water, a few drops can transmit the information to our cells in a moment. Humans can get back to equilibrium at higher dimensions, but only if they can find and understand the causes of their disorder. With the identification and acknowledgment of the problem, they can solve it. Matrix Drops assist in tuning back our ether bodies with pure elemental information.

So where does this all lead? Our world today forces us to be one of many, to be faceless, to be one in the crowd. Matrix Drops leads us back to our individuality.

Matrix Drops Products are not Medication and are not medical products. This evaluation is not a medical diagnosis. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease!

The Matrix Drops Computer recognizes and the MD products defeat the negative attitudes that suppress people.

The problems and concerns will not only temporarily disappear but could be eliminated indefinitely. The energy thus released then becomes available to accomplish our goals and dreams. What does Matrix Drops offer us? A major improvement in the quality of our lives!