I met Dora for the first time in July of 2018. I was in the hospital after my brain tumor removal surgery which was followed by a stroke and left-sided hemiparesis. Every day Dora came to see me in the hospital and massaged my feet. I also bought many Matrix drops from her that greatly impacted my health. Throughout my recovery, I stayed in touch with Dora and always asked her for advice. I am forever thankful for her leading role in my recovery because I know that I would not be in the great shape I am in today without her.
When I first met Dora I was in a very unstable state of mind. I was always tired and I had bloating and various skin irritations and rashes. After the Matrix Drops Computer scan, I felt refreshed immediately. As we went through my entire scan results point by point, Dora explained what imbalances I have and which Matrix Drops Quintessence can help adjust them so my body would function adequately. Before this, I took vitamins for months and drank detoxifying tees, but they did not help me bounce back to the energetic self I had been before...